Why Book A Personal Branding Session?

Personal branding is increasing in importance as it is becoming essential for businesses to have an eye catching online presence. The nature of content has transitioned from ads that tell you about the services that companies offer, to posts that aim to create an emotional connection with their customers. As a result of this, it is becoming more and more essential to communicate your brand in a more personable manner, whether that be through your website, or social media channels.

As a small business owner, you will understand the importance of great quality content that is engaging but finding that content on a regular basis can often be tricky. Below, we’ve listed some of the reasons why we believe that a personal branding session is a great idea.


Creating content that is new and exciting is very important, however it is also important that this content has similarities. What I mean by this is that it uses the same colours, the same logos, layout, tone of voice in posts. All of these things come under the ‘brand identity’ umbrella. Having a strong brand identity means that a customer will be able to recognise your content without viewing your profile. Within a few seconds of an Apple ad appearing on the TV, I know it’s them (and not just because i’m an Apple fan girl) because their brand identity is so consistent. Finding a photographer who understands your brand and can create consistently styled content for your social media platforms/website is a great investment in your brand identity.


Gone are the days when you can bombard customers with ads that only explain the services that you offer. This type of content is often ignored by users because it’s nothing new. In order to bring content to your customers that will engage them, they need to be able to relate to what they are viewing. Recently, Tesco created a range of ads called ‘food love stories’. The ads included several different scenarios of food being used to communicate love between family members and love ones. This is a great example of how emotion and real life experience can be used as a tool to sell.


As humans, we are drawn towards beautiful things. Our feeds are full of pristine homes, ornately decorated cakes and golden, sandy beaches. Our eyes are naturally drawn towards pleasing content. A customer will make a snap decision about your business in an instant. There is often a short window of time in between scrolls for them to make up their mind about whether your business is what they are looking for and in that brief window, you need to make the biggest impact possible. Having high quality imagery will draw them in and will help to bridge the gap between browse to sale. Using high quality content also creates the impression that your business values quality and that you invest in your brand, which must mean that you’re selling something of value that exceeds other brands out there.


Trust is a big part of any purchase. A customer will want to know that they are spending their hard earned cash on a product or service that will improve their life or solve their problem. Being able to see the face behind a brand is not only a proven hit in terms of engagement on social media, but it will also increase the likely hood that your potential customers will buy from you because they can see the person at the heart of the brand.

Thank you for stopping by!

For more information on our personal branding photography and video services, click here.

To see more of our work, click here.

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Brand Photography in Cheshire - The Happy Melt Co.


Our Approach To Personal Brand Photography